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Soldier wearing a helmet and respirator

Our customers

Our customers carry out vital work in life-threatening situations – often in support of protecting the community. They can safely perform with confidence knowing that we protect at every interface with our products and services. From innovative design, to use, aftercare and data protection, we meet the changing needs of our customers.

Our 2028 targets

  • Innovate 5 years increase revenue from new products
  • 4-7% R&D expenditure (as a % of revenue)
  • Support our customers

Our Approach

  • We continuously seek new opportunities and markets to serve, increasing the number or people protected by our live-saving products.
  • We seek opportunities to work with research groups, industry partners and continuously engage with customers to stay at the fore-front of innovation and to continue developing products that meet our customers exacting requirements.
  • Product safety and quality is at the core of all our business practices, and we place high value on the business assurance that comes with our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system. Many of our products are approved to customer industry safety standards which involves rigorous testing such as NIOSH and CE, allowing customers to safely perform with confidence.
  • We have an established compliance programme with a number of programmes running in the cyber and physical security field which helps us to ensure our own, and our customer’s data are protected.


  • Transform
  • Advance


  • Un SDG 9

For more information on our approach to sustainability, see the latest sustainability report in the 2023 Annual Report.

Sustainability in action

In 2017, Team Wendy joined the PANTHER program, a collaborative effort led by the University of Wisconsin and funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) to quantify cellular injury thresholds for traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

With over 30 principal investigators and recent ONR grants totaling $15 million, the program aims to enhance protection standards through refined testing models. Team Wendy's engineers have played a crucial role in executing experiments at the macroscopic level of helmets. The generated data fuels a "digital engineering" approach, enabling rapid optimization of helmet designs through computer models. Ongoing efforts involve the development of new helmet test methods that better simulate real-life scenarios, providing a deeper understanding of TBI and setting higher standards for TBI protection to safeguard lives.

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